Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Ictiofauna asociada al manglar de Isla Palo Seco, Puntarenas, Costa Rica 

      Alfaro Rodríguez, Jesús Alberto; García Rojas, Andrea (Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica), 2015)
      Los manglares son un tipo de vegetación dominante en los estuarios tropicales y subtropicales (Blaber,2007. Estos ecosistemas se caracterizan por su gran variación estructural y por sus exclusivas condiciones fisicoquímicas ...
    • Long-term comparison of the fish community in a Costa Rican rocky shore marine reserve 

      Myers, Mark C.; Wagner, Jonathan; Vaughan, Christopher (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica., 2010)
      Despite their role in supporting diverse marine fish communities, tropical rocky shores and reefs have attracted less research and fewer targeted conservation efforts compared to coral reefs. We studied fish community ...