Now showing items 3-5 of 5

    • Microscopic Image Processing for the Analysis of Nosema Disease 

      Calderón, Rafael; Dghim, Soumaya; Travieso-González, Carlos M.; Gouider, Mohamed Salah; Ramírez-Bogantes, Melvin; Prendas Rojas, Juan Pablo; FIGUEROA-MATA, Geovanni (IGI Global., 2019)
      In this chapter, the authors tried to develop a tool to automatize and facilitate the detection of Nosema disease. This work develops new technologies in order to solve one of the bottlenecks found on the analysis bee ...
    • Reportes sobre la presencia del Pequeño Escarabajo, Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), en colonias de abejas nativas sin aguijón 

      Calderón Fallas, Rafael; Sánchez Chaves, Luis (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2021-11-24)
      El Pequeño Escarabajo de la Colmena, Aethina tumida, es nativo de África subsahariana, donde se considera una plaga menor de las abejas melíferas africanas. Sin embargo, desde su detección en colmenas de abejas melíferas ...
    • Stingless bees of Costa Rica 

      Aguilar Monge, Ingrid; Herrera González, Eduardo; Zamora Fallas, Luis Gabriel (Springer, 2012-11-19)
      The keeping of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) or meliponiculture is carried out in a rustic and traditional way in Costa Rica. This is an activity present in several regions of the country, especially among the ...